Sunday, October 08, 2006

Knitter's Nightmare....

Never use children scissors when CHILDREN are around.... Today when I was at a friend's house helping her make thank you cards for her wedding I cut my finger. With children scissors!! Right as I was getting ready to cut a piece of foam tape my friend's son ran around the table right into a lamp cord. So, all in an instant crash when the lamp.... cry when the kid.... and snip went the pad of my middle finger. Nice horizontal v cut that just lets the pad flap in the wind. It happened about six hours ago. I probably should of gotten a stitch or two because when I went to change the bandage and put the liquid bandage stuff on bled and bled and bled. I haven' t tried to knit yet...I'm scared...yeah yeah call me a big sissy. At least it is on my left hand...but I use that finger to hold the left needle.

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