Friday, November 02, 2007

I'd have pictures but....

every time I go to download I get this memory error. It's the dreadful week I say. I took the boys to the mountains last night and now I'm off to the west side of the mountains for a little girlfriend time. It's the reward for surviving the dreadful week. I won't whine about the issues last night... just picture teenager with attitude. It tells it all. But I'm off to a nice relaxing weekend. Going to eat, shop, and teach my girlfriend how to knit. How much more fun could that be. Last year I made her a pair of fetching gloves.... she has recieved so many comments over them that she wants to learn to make them. So this weekend she's going to learn the basic knit and purl and work on a scarf. She'll be here the week of Christmas and I'm off that week so that's when we will tackle the fetching gloves. I'm so excited. So hopefully early next week I'll have (well actually Link) will have the computer fixed and I'll have some Halloween pictures for you. Have a great weekend. And remember.... if you are casting on.... double check the sizing.


Heide said...

I'm glad the week's over for you. Hope you have/had a wonderful visit with your girlfriend.

Unknown said...

Partytent offertes met een stevige korting. Vergelijk alle huur en verhuur partytent leveranciers bij u in de regio van uw feestlocatie en ontvang een stevige korting! Partytent