Last weekend I was visiting with Huba about hobbies. I made mention that he was getting old enough that he could try some things out and see if something caught his interest. We talked about how I am my knitting and how I enjoy it. I offered to teach him how to knit..... he declined. None the less, he put some thought into the whole hobby idea. He decided that he wanted to try some woodworking. So, he visited with his dad and then they talked to Grandpa. (Grandpa has an old lumber mill) Grandpa said Huba could pick out whatever wood he wanted. So Huba and DH went to the Lumber yard. DH helped Huba pick out some cedar and oak. So what did Huba decide to do for his first project? I can tell you that it wasn’t the old stand by bird house. Huba decided to build a Catapult. Yes, you read that correctly. Now I don’t know what he is going to fling with this thing but right now it is sitting over 4 feet high.
The catapult is now finished and can launch rocks that go up 40yrds. Huba says that this was a tester and knows what he needs to improve on.
Yikes! That is so cool and scary at the same time. You could launch really ugly acrylic yarn across a field while keeping one end tied to the catapult to see how far it goes. Is this the prototype for bigger and better weapons?
Ok, so I won't tell you about how Graham and his friend Austin built a catapult out of an old swing set...
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