Saturday, October 07, 2006

Tubin the Needles....

Before I go any further Tubin is pronounced with a LONG U! As in Tubular. As in Tubular cast on. As in I think it is totally awesome. And took only one try. No ripping out, no cussing, no throwing the project. No putting it down to deal with later. Oh did I mention that it may be in part that I went to my first knitting class today. Guilt free too. I sent the husband and the boys to the firing range to test out their talents while I worked on mine. While I was at the class I also got Nancie M. Wiseman's, "The Knitter's Book of Finishing Techniques." I do declare that it looks to be a really good reference book. Especially since I am working on all these sweaters. I did fall in love all over again with the Debbie Bliss Pure Silk. I have enough to make one of her sweaters. I haven't started it yet because it's in hanks. But the LYS said just drop it off (all 15 hanks) and they would cll me when it was done being wound. Gotta love that kind of service. Something that you don't find at the chains..

1 comment:

Unknown said...